Kagoshima University Faculty of Education

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Faculty Introduction

Faculty Introduction
The Faculty of Education arranges teaching for each year based around three core areas: practical classes; pedagogy, psychology, and subject-specified pedagogy; and subject-specific knowledge. The teaching for each year is implemented in a step-by-step, integrated manner, coordinated with school experience activities, participation in observation and hands-on teaching practice, pre-teaching and post-teaching research, and in-classroom research. A unique arrangement developed by the Faculty of Education is that second-year students participate in a school environment observation and hands-on learning program on an outlying island; the curriculum also includes classroom experience and volunteering activities organized in collaboration with local government authorities and other relevant organizations. The Faculty of Education’s four-year, comprehensive curriculum aims to cultivate capable, first-rate teachers who possess knowledge, skills, the ability to think and make judgements, and the ability to act effectively.